Esteban Rendón Tamayo

Stamp // Estampilla:

Para Mi estampilla escogí varios elementos que me representan como artista y persona, algunos de ellos son el Art Nouveau, Los gatos, y construcciones ornamentadas y detallas. Además usé palabras como Winter "invierno" y Open Estudio para expresar proyectos y estaciones que me gustan.

For my stamp i chose several elements that represent me as an artist and person, some of them are Art Nouveau, cats, detail constructions and ornamented. Also i used words as Winter and Open Study to express, projects and seasons that i like.


Creative map // Mapa creativo:

Para mi mapa usé el plano de mi casa, en donde capturé texturas, objetos y habitantes que son importantes y significativos para entender cada habitación y el espacio en su totalidad. Tomé como base mis gatos, mi madre, las paredes, pinturas, plantas y objetos importantes. Es importante pensar que una casa no es solo un espacio donde se pueden contener objetos, sino que el espacio vive gracias a las personas y los objetos que hay dentro de él.

For my map i used my house plans, where i took textures, objects and people that are important to understand every room, and space. The house plans was in based of my cats, my mom, the walls, paintings, plants and important objects. It is important thinking a house, not only as a space, where objects can be contain. the space lives thanks to the people and things that are in it.

Sound map // Mapa Sonoro :

Como mapa sonoro yo usé los sonidos que comúnmente se oyen en mi casa, desde el ruido de los carros, el maullido de los gatos, la maquina de coser, los pájaros e incluso el sonido del agua. Esto sonidos hacen que mi casa sea reconocible y generé en mi sensaciones de calidez. 

As sound map I used the sounds that commonly you can hear in my house, from the noises of cars, the meowing of my cats, the sewing machine, birds and even running water. These sounds makes my house recognizable, and make me feel at home.

Link del video Youtube: 


Imaginary Places  // Lugares imaginarios:

Este ejercicio fue hecho con algunos compañeros de clase, ellos fueron increíbles, todos estabamos hablando, compartiendo, dibujando e incluso el profesor estuvo durante el ejercicio, me sentí incluido y parte de algo.

These exercise was made with some of my classmates, they were amazing, everyone was talking, sharing, drawing and even the teacher has his own voice during the exercise, i felt included and part of something.

Will you take me with you // Me llevarás en ti:

Este Gameboy fue un regalo de mi hermana, la cual significa mucho para mi, porque desde pequeño no pude tener uno para jugar y pasar mi tiempo libre; además el hecho que mi hermana me lo haya dado me hace pensar en ella y en lo afortunado que soy en tener una familia que me quiere, sabe lo que me gusta y está pendiente de mi. 

This Gameboy was a gift from my sister, she means a lot to me. When i was a child i couldn´t play and spend my free time in one of those gameboys. Also the fact that my sister gave that gameboy, make me think about her, and the lucky i am of having a lovely family, that knows what i like and has an eye on me everytime.

Final Result // Resultado Final

Flowchart // Diagrama de flujo:
In class // En clase

My Flowchart // Mi diagrama de flujo  

Transporting interactive:

This project was made by Em Jeninngs and I. We wanted to use the Engineering fountain, located in Purdue, We used differents views os the fountain, of course gave to them some artistic features. we added some buttons, so when you click on one of them, you can see a different perspective of the Fountain. Was really amazing working with Em, She did an amazing job with the coding, also she was very patient and sweet. i loved the end result.

Zip folder // Carpeta Zip:

Physical computing:

In this project I was with Ketaki Pawar. We did an amazing job eith our project, it was difficult, becuse coding is a big level, but we keep our project simple, cute, and really interesting. Working with Ketaki was amazing, we were talking, sharing, and spending a good time together, She is a great classmate, very smart and kind. I learnt that i have great classmates, and they really want to work with you!

Zip Folder // Carpeta Zip:

Propuesta Inicial de proyecto:

Final Project // Proyecto Final:

Slides // Diapositivas:
Code Zip Folder // Carpeta Zip del código: 

A little Messege // Un Pequeño Mensaje:

A veces nos olvidamos de  nuestros talentos y habilidades, estamos tan concentrados en compararnos con los otros, pero Open Estudio demostró que cada uno es una persona increible con muchísimo valor y que a pesar de no tener las mismas habilidades, esa diferencia es lo que nos hace especiales y unicos. Fue una experiencia maravillosa compartir con personas de diferentes contextos y lugares. Los amo hoy y siempre. 
Sinceramente Esteban Rendón.

Sometimes we forget our own talents and abilities. We are so focused on comparing ourselves with others, but Open Estudio showed us that, everyone is amazing, with so much value, and even though we do not have the same abilities, those differences make us special and unique. Was an amazing experience sharing with people from different contexts and places. I love you guys, today and forever.

Sincerely Esteban Rendón.
