Welcome to Course 8. In this course, you will explore and gain essential communicative tools to create an expository letter in which you include the history, the most emblematic places and activities from a neighborhood, and also choosing a place in your neighborhood, in which you would like to implement some changes to improve people’s life and the impact they will have in the community. At the end of this course, you will be able to describe and compare neighborhoods, places and people in a neighborhood, give opinions about neighborhoods and their problems, and suggest changes. Through the activities proposed in the course, you will get familiar with the correct verb tenses to express opinions, to describe and argue. You will also learn the correct use of compound adjectives, vocabulary related to community and neighborhoods, and also expressions to begin and give continuity to small talks. Besides, you will strengthen the use of strategies to understand general and specific information from written and audiovisual texts, and use appropriately sentence structures in affirmative, negative, and interrogative forms by using the correct verbal tenses.